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Simon Pirani - The History of Fossil Fuels | Pluto Live
Simon Pirani: How Fossil Fuel Use Became Unsustainable 20 February 2018
Simon Pirani, « Workers and the Soviet state : lessons from the 1920 » (Bruxelles, 2017)
The transition away from fossil fuels: What could, and could not, be achieved by a Green New Deal
The transition from fossil fuels, the energy crisis in Europe and the war in Ukraine
Simon Pirani speaking at the 2019 Scot.E3 conference
CBS - Techno-fixes
An interview with Simon Pirani at Tyndall Manchester
What are Fossil Fuels? Why are they so called? An Expert explains All and the Alternatives
How plants will make fossil fuels history | Florent Heroguel | TEDxHSG
Talking Shop - Burning Up
History of Fossil Fuels